HEDOF was organized as more than just an acronym; we built our team with a foundation of peace, love, and service. After our initial experience in Africa, we knew HEDOF was organized for a reason. Our mission is to help residents of Africa succeed and lead better, more productive lives. We want youth to grow up fulfilled, happy, and successful, the things that children in developed nations take for granted. This is a simple goal but often in Africa the outcome is very different. We want their parents to be free from worry, hunger and disease. There is no quick fix and it doesn’t go away with short-term accomplishments. It is an ongoing process as we try to conquer challenges that developed over decades and requires a continual commitment of financial and emotional support. HEDOF is that movement. If you have a strong calling to give back to others less fortunate, you are on the right website. We can use your help. We began helping residents across Africa in 2016, and we’ve been very successful. We can do more, but we need assistance. Check out our three missions and take the next steps to assist our organization in funding additional trips to Africa. Donating to worthy causes makes you feel better, and it allows us to do good deeds. Join us let’s make history for Africa and its people.

What We Do?


Everyone deserves the opportunity to receive basic healthcare. Unfortunately, healthcare opportunities across Africa, especially in rural, impoverished regions, is very sparse. As a result there is a high burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases in Africa. Millions of infants die before their 5th birthday; millions of mothers die during child birth; and people live less than half of their life expectancy averaging 48 years in many countries. Some of the problems where HEDOF is trying to make a difference includes:

  • Health empowerment across the life span: Many of the deaths in Africa are preventable. Lack of accurate health information is at the center of most public health challenges facing poor and underprivileged in Africa. Our rural health empowerment programs provide validated information needed for good health and development;
  • Access to health care: Lack of doctors and healthcare practitioners in places where they are so desperately needed is a problem. We work with local health care providers and link people to health care with our network of providers. We work to provide timely access to health care providers and medications needed to ward off deadly epidemics and diseases, including everything from HIV to simple but deadly outbreaks like measles, Ebola, even malaria.

Staff and volunteers at HEDOF have made significant inroads in bringing healthcare to different regions in Africa, but the process is slow and costs money.  Click this Link to donate funds for additional health projects.


Our team conducts numerous trips to Africa for various causes.  Africa currently has a wide learning gap when it comes to secondary and post-secondary education opportunities.  Students across Africa deserve the opportunity to excel at school and to develop career goals that lead them to something better. We are opening the pathways to life-changing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  But a number of external issues keep this from happening.  Again, it is the rural areas and the poor that lack the ability to go to access high quality schools that will help move them out of poverty.  There are various reasons, including:

  • Lack of access to STEM education programing: There is an abundance of schools, but quality is a challenge. We are working to offer kids opportunities to education for life and for the future;
  • Post-secondary educational institutions are unavailable or too expensive. Once children successfully graduate from high school, there are little or no options because post-secondary schools are too expensive for many families in Africa, or they aren’t prepared for the future after high school.

Staff at HEDOF have been successful in promoting STEM school programs, pushing for more ethics and leadership integration in schools, early childhood education, reading, and literacy programs aimed at supporting impoverished and needy children. We have a long way to go.  Click this Link to donate funds for additional school projects.


Our team is helping to support many grassroots causes across Africa based on specific needs.  Often we sponsor these projects without governmental support, but we work hard anyway to organize and make them happen.  Some of these projects include:

  • Building community libraries. Adding a library to any community offers many new opportunities to connect African residents with the outside world.  We are working to create community library and book mobile projects for residents. But we need assistance for increasing access and addressing more community members.
  • Improving opportunities for rural farmers: We are working with local farmers and tech companies to create platforms for long-term food preservation and supply-demand platforms. These will increase economic self-sufficiency and ameliorate food insecurity. Developing civic improvements allows more mobility for farmers and other residents in rural areas. We’ve seen progress but we need more help.
  • Bringing access to alternative sources of clean energy: Many residents don’t have electricity. Existing sources of energy such as kerosene and wood fire stoves are hazardous and harmful to health. We are working on projects to increase awareness of and bring alternative and environmental friendly energy sources to rural areas. We wish to sponsor projects that will make that happen.

There are a number of additional projects we would like to sponsor, but funding is a critical need.  Click this Link to donate funds for additional development opportunities.

HEDOF programs focus on the poor, less-privileged, and underserved persons and communities by taking a multi-level approach in addressing problems at the individual, family, and community levels.  We offer a ministry of good will and compassion who have decided to give back and make the world a better place.

Our Mission

HEDOF is a movement of individuals working together to change the nation through a network of professional leaders, national gatherings, training events and resources. Giving God all the glory he deserves. To enable this to happen there are people and teams all across the nation pushing this common vision. All this requires time, investment and application of the gifts God has given to each of us.